City Industry Dialogue - The Future of public transport not only in cities - modern technologies in public transport

5. 6. 2019, 10-16  

Veletrh URBIS, Brno Trade Fairs

Current trends in public transport in the Czech Republic | Where are heading the Visegrad Group countries for public transport? | Do we cancel paper tickets? | Is Electronic Fares universal and cost effective? | Why is the public transport segment interesting for banks and card associations?

The aim of the conference was to present current trends in public transport in the Czech Republic and Central Europe, especially in ticketing services, but also in other areas. 

The main topic of the conference was the future of public transport not only in cities and modern transport technology. Participants learned on ideas of mutual combination and cooperation of different transport modes and services. 

News reagarding technologies connected to public transport were presented by speakers from Hungary, Torino or Venice.  

International speakers presented the current situation in public transport in the neighbouring countries - Slovakia and Hungary.  

At the conference, KORDIS JMK presented the actual development of electronic ticketing in the Integrated transport system of the South Moravian Region (IDS JMK), representatives of Ostrava and Prague presented information about their recently introduced electronic check-in systems. The final program of the conference you can find here.

The conference was organized within the framework of the European project Peripheral Access and was attended by foreign participants of this project, representatives of transport specialists from the Czech Republic, transport operators and local authorities.

Next day on June, 6 another conference took place: Smart solutions for urban and regional mobility in Europe.

Presentations for download

Paul Vieweg - Peripheral Access - Increasing Mobility in rural and remote areas (Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung - Lead Partner of Peripheral Access Project)

Dávid Vitézy - MaaS - the way from the integrated transport system to the integration of different transport modes (director of Hungarian Technical and Transport Museum)

Giuseppe Estivo - Torino: all mobility services in one app (City of Torino)

Longo Giovanni - Venice region new transport solutions (Venice International University)

Jakub Unucka - Smart solutions and ticketing in Moravian-Silesian Region and in Ostrava (Moravian-Silesian Region and Ostrava, deputy governor for smart region and transport)

Jan Havíř - Development of traffic managment of Brno public transport company (Brno public transport company)

František Vichta - United National Tariff and Ticketing System (Ministry of Transport)

Peter Války - Plans, ideas and situation in public transport in Slovakia (Bratislava Integrated transport)

Ádam Németh - Unified e-ticketing and passenger information standards and innovation in Hungary (Hungary, KTI, IT Expert HKIR project)

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